Wednesday, February 24, 2010

RPH WEEK 9 SEM 1 2010

Date: 01.03.2010 (Monday)
Class: 6AS
No. of Ss: 13
Time: 0705 am - 0815 am (1st period)
Topic: A Present for a house-warming dinner
Skills: Speaking skills integrated with Listening, Reading & Writing
Cur Spec:To make suggestions and give justifications
Activity:Individual Presentation
Aids:Task sheets
Objective:At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
make suggestions and justification by orally stating a present for the house-warming dinner and giving a reason why the suggestion is chosen
Reflection:The objective is achieved. Every student went up to the front and orally presented their views.

Date: 02.03.2010 (Tuesday)
Class: 6AS

No. of Ss: 13
Time: 05.10 pm - 06.20 pm (8th & 9th periods)
Topic: A Present for a House-warming Dinner
Skills: Speaking skills integrated with Listening, Reading & Writing
Cur Spec: To make agreement and disagreement
Activity: Topical Test 1 Group discussion
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
make agreement and disagreement by orally discussing the most practical and rational present for a house-warming dinner in a group of four
Reflection: The objective is achieved. Students presented their views well. The leaders of the groups orally summary their discussion in front of the class

Class: 5K7
No. of Ss: 34
Time:04.35 pm - 05.10 pm (7 period)
Topic: Objects in the school
Skills: Writing skills integrated with Reading, Listening and Speaking
Cur Spec: To make comparison
Activity: Filling in the blanks with the correct form of the comparative adjectives with the help of the given words
Aids: Blackboard, exercise book
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
make comparison by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the comparative adjectives with the help of the given word in brackets
Reflection: The objective is achieved. The students went up the class to write their answers on the blackboard. Most students obtained 15/20 correct.

Date: 03.03.2010 (Wednesday)
Class: Form 6AS
No. of Ss: 13
Time:05.10 pm - 06.20 pm (8th & 9th periods)
Topic: Kite-flyers/Medicine/News
Skills: Listening skills integrated with Speaking, Reading and Writing
Cur Spec: To locate specific information
Activity: Topical Test 1: Listening
Aids: one CD player, 13 sets of questions
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
locate specific information by writing 3-5 words in the space provided in the task sheet provided
Reflection: The objective is achieved. 7 students obtained 10/20 correct

Class: 5K7
No. of Ss: 34
Time: 04.35pm - 05.10 pm ( 7th period)
Topic: Comparative adjectives
Skills: Writing skills integrated with Reading, Listening and Speaking
Cur Spec: Forming comparative adjectives
Activity: Forming comparative adjective: 'er'
Aids: Blackboard, exercise book
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
form a comparative adjective by adding 'er' to the list of adjectives on the blackboard
Reflection: The objective is achieved

Date: 04.03.2010 (Thursday)
Class: 6AS

No. of Ss: 13
Time: 04.35 pm - 05.10 pm (7th period)
Topic: Bottled Water
Skills: Reading skills intgrated with Writing, Listening and Speaking
Cur Spec: To make inferences
Activity: Reading Comprehension passage and circling the best answer from the options A, B and C
Aids:Task sheets (13 sets)
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
make inferences by reading the reading comprehension passage and circling the best answer from the options A, B, C and D in the task sheets
Reflection: The objective is achieved.

Date: 05.03.2010 (Friday)
Class: 6AS
No. of Ss: 13
Time: 05.45 pm -06.20 pm (8th period)
Topic: Towards a new age of total media fulfilment
Skills: Reading skills integrated with Writing, Listening and Speaking
Cur Spec: Making references/conclusions
Activity: Reading a passage and circling the best answer from the options A, B, C and D
Aids: Task sheets ( 13 sets)
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
make references/conclusions by reading the passage and circling the best answer from the options A, B, C and D in the tasksheet provided
Reflection:The objective is achieved. 10 students scored 6/8 correct

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